Friday, October 31, 2014

OOPS . . . forgot one . . .

How could I forget the redheaded babies . . .

My goodness ... I can't believe it's been so long since I was here!

It's been an interesting time... fundraisers to work on, hospital stays to get through and I closed my photography studio after 31 years in business. BUT .... I have not been totally idle.

I want to share with you something very new I have added to Eggbert's shop at CafePress.  Calendars!!  Eggbert's very own Calendars and with ALL NEW CARTOONS !!

Here's one of them . . . 

And another . . .
And another . . .

There are 24 altogether . . . 3 calendars, 4 hair/skin colors, and all in 2 sizes. You can find them all HERE .